Friday, September 2, 2011

What Women Expect In Bed...
The first thing women expect during sex whether we like it or not is foreplay. 
Now im not saying the whole roleplay idea or anything like that. We just expect a little 
grabbing, some touching, some kissing, a little talking and then you ready for him to 
put it in lol. You dont want it to just be shoved in there all random lol..well not often lol.

The next thing would be the exchange in control. Meaning either I want to take charge..or try to
or I want him to dominate. Most of the time we let him dominate. 

The action is suppose to exceed our expectations. i dont really want to be satisfied. I want to be more then satisfied. Pleased and impressed. If not he will began to become moderate in my opinion. 

The affection afterwards. I dont think you need to be in m face ater everything. But i dont want to be ignored like nothing ever happened.

What actually happens In bed...
Your ass is grabbed or some kind of phrase or gesture is made so that the intent of sex is known.
The penis is pulled out and being touched by owner. You are asked to suck the penis. Based on you decision either you beging performing oral sex or you roll over and go to sleep. After oral sex is given change position to have sex. Sex. lol then lay there tired after partner releases quick.
And your night is done. YAY!