Friday, September 2, 2011

What Women Expect In Bed...
The first thing women expect during sex whether we like it or not is foreplay. 
Now im not saying the whole roleplay idea or anything like that. We just expect a little 
grabbing, some touching, some kissing, a little talking and then you ready for him to 
put it in lol. You dont want it to just be shoved in there all random lol..well not often lol.

The next thing would be the exchange in control. Meaning either I want to take charge..or try to
or I want him to dominate. Most of the time we let him dominate. 

The action is suppose to exceed our expectations. i dont really want to be satisfied. I want to be more then satisfied. Pleased and impressed. If not he will began to become moderate in my opinion. 

The affection afterwards. I dont think you need to be in m face ater everything. But i dont want to be ignored like nothing ever happened.

What actually happens In bed...
Your ass is grabbed or some kind of phrase or gesture is made so that the intent of sex is known.
The penis is pulled out and being touched by owner. You are asked to suck the penis. Based on you decision either you beging performing oral sex or you roll over and go to sleep. After oral sex is given change position to have sex. Sex. lol then lay there tired after partner releases quick.
And your night is done. YAY!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What you know, what you dont want to know, what you think you know...

Relationships almost always get complicated at some point. 
One of the hardest things to acquire and keep is the communication and trust. After talking to several other women I've found comfort in knowing im not the only woman who thinks about things when it comes to men, a certain way. Women tend to think in the same kind of way. Its just there views that vary. Now heres the annoying part. 
Men are just sloppy. The are careless most of the time weather theyre cheating or not. Meaning they do a lot of dumb shit and leave it out in the open. Whether its leaving there phone out and unattended, leaving there email or messages on display accidentally, sending you the wrong message or anything along those lines. Its happens lol. Once thats happened you do one of two things. Either continue looking and possible face disapointment or let trust and optimism overrule and look away.
It is not in human nature to look away especially if there is no risk of getting caught. Does that make it right? Not at all. But in that moment all humans go for there instincts. To make matters worse women have this strong thing called intuition thats attatched to our conscious. it makes it almost impossible not to look when you have the facts in your face. Everything up to this point has been fueled by trust and what your told. To know for sure brings comfort. Still isnt justified its just why it happens. Now after that situation you either found some shit you didnt want to see or found nothing at all. Heres where the dilema comes to play, if you actually found something you cant confront him. Not right away at least. Now you have to be incognito unless you want him to know your looking in his shit. This part has no advice or tip. 
Its kinda a consequence that you have to take with a grain of salt and asess according to your situation. The whole reason for looking is because there was something you felt you didn't know but you wanted to. After you see you find out if you wanted to see it or not. Which is why snooping never helps but sneaking around doesn't either.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

When Your Mad

Anger is one of your biggest enemies when
your in a relationship. For some reason Anger
an emotion has the power to make you forget 
how much you care for someone. It can overpower
you. Too much anger and you'll get a reaction outta
anybody. But the question is "Is is fair".  
In my opinion nothing should make me mad enough 
for me to start forgetting whats important. I don't
say things out of anger because even when I'm
mad im consciously aware that what I say in that 
moment isnt going to be taken lightly just because 
I'm in a bad mood. I don't find it okay to take your 
anger out on others no matter what. Unless I directly
did something to you I don't see why you would treat
me bad or shut me out because your angry at someone 
else. That shouldn't be an option. If anything you should
take it as a opportunity to be around someone who will
better your mood. Or at least put thing back into perspective.
I'm not a big fan of Anger. Dealing with your emotions alone
is understandable but when you have to shut the ones you
love out because of it i think its unfair. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Its unattractive for girl to smoke

"I don't like girls that Smoke"
Its a problem for a lot of guys to accept that the girl they are 
interested in smokes. Most guys will tell you "I won't judge you
but I dont like that you do it".  Other guys don't mind if its 
not cigarettes. But why? Whats the big deal? 
If your an adult who chooses to smoke then I personally 
don't see the problem but I'm definitely bias lol 
I feel like people who have never smoked are the people who 
judge it the most and have the biggest and harshest opinions 
about it. Which makes since because thats how society is. 
Personally I think everyone should smoke tree. Its positive effects
actually out way the bad. Any doctor can give you a list of
diseases and symptoms that it cures we all know this. The only
thing is the actual smoke entering your lungs. Thats probably
the biggest reason you don't wanna smoke everyday. Plus the 
fact that it can make you lay if you allow it to. But other then 
that what makes it so unattractive?  Im curious. You have no 
problem with the girl who drinks but you don't want the girl 
that smokes? So illogical. Drinking is ten times more unhealthy.
As a matter of fact their are no positive effects of drinking. 
I just think guys who have such a problem are wasting time. 
Your dream girl is out there and you could be passing her up because 
she likes to relieve herself. Shit life is tough, you probably could
use a smoke too *shrugs* I say all the time. People only dislike it 
because it's illegal. Yet alcohol isn't. You can walk to any corner 
get a drink and have your mind impaired for hours. 
But your more alert when your high. Again people only think
smoking is wrong because it's illegal and its only illegal here because 
Goverment can't tax it. 

SN: I hope they don't start trying to raid my shit now that I've spoiled 
their secret lol

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I Got a Story to Tell

Recently I had a talk with some 10th grade boys. 
Curious to see their outlooks and views on SEX. 
Purely for constructional purposes. Actually I wanted
to learn about the type of young ladies their dealing with. 
It just seems to me that each generation of females
ages 14-16 get worse and worse with promiscuity. Which
to me translates into a generation of more and more low
self respecting women. I don't fuck with that. To me
that's extremely sad. There is no secret to where this
started. Up until what maybe after reconstruction did 
women start to realize or rather start to make actions 
into being more then just a mans trophy. So why do 
females still find themselves in this trap. In my 
opinion 80% of promiscuous teenage girls are 
that way because a lack of self respect. That lack of
self respect stems from their unconsciousness of effects
that their promiscuity could have on them emotionally,
physically or both. Or from low self esteem. Insecurity. 
Not knowing their worth. Either way it's a disappointing 
reality that most people shake their heads at instead of
being concerned. But the nonchalant reactions people have 
in some cases are justified because at the adolescent age
education is annoying. You try to tell a little girl that she 
needs to stop being a hoe and have more self respect..(in more
or less words) and of course she will automatically become 
defensive. She's human. So how do we approach this 
situation? Do we approach it at all? I for one find it a 
problem. To me the only way to even began to fix it is 
to try to prevent our future females from becoming this

Now back to my talk with the 10th grade boys. Out of the 5 of
the 15 year old boys only 2 were virgins. I asked the other 3
were they in love when their first times. And each answered 
no. So then I asked why didn't they love the girl they were 
loosing their virginity's to. The summarized  answer and conversation
with the 5 boys was basically, they wanted sex, they had an attractive
girl ready and willing and "since im not gay i didn't pass that up".
It's crazy girls now a days are trying to be grown up and have 
these one night stands at like 16 years old! And then they wonder
why they get a bad name, get called a hoe. One of the boys told me 
a story about his latest sexual adventure. He met the girl at school
they texted off and on for about maybe 2 weeks. He liked her and 
she liked him. He told her he wanted to meet her after school 
and they could chill. So they met up when school ended. Got a 
friend to drive them to a empty house. They kissed all that and 
then had sex. After that they both left and went home. And speak
rarely off and on now. This story is sooo common in highschool.
Just a meet up and fuck situation. Girls just dropping their panties
for the boy who talks a little bit of nothing in their ear. And after
that go on with their day. Pretending they only wanted the sex
just because that's all he wanted. Con-seal their feeling until 
they go away and the POOF just like that you have a new
number on your body count. I personally take my body count
at 18 SUPER serious. So I don't understand why at 16 they don't.
When I lost my virginity I was as young as these boys. 
I didn't know the guy I thought loved
me would drop my ass. We were together 6 months before we had
sex. I didn't even want to do it when I did but I didn't want him to get 
mad. But after him it took a total of 11 months
to experience sex again. I was trying to keep my coochie on a lock
after that. But I just have a hard time understanding the logic
of these girls. No. I understand it, but I don't understand why 
it has to get worse instead of better. Please educate your daughters,
sisters,cousins whoever. My child will NOT be a hoe. I refuse.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just a little talk

Relationship Talk
Respect,Double standards,Opinions & Twitter

Me and my cousin had a really interesting talk about relationships that I thought I
should share.

Me: What do you believe is the most important thing you value 
from your girl? And what do you want her to value the most
from you?

Jay: Aight see when I actually have a girl that I'm claiming, 
the most important quality I need or like to see from her is loyalty.
As my girl I need her to be loyal to me. That includes having my back, 
keeping it a hunnid, not cheating,always being there for me. 
And If im giving my all into loving her, she needs 
to give the same back.   

Me: And what do you want her to appreciate the most from you?

Jay: The same thing. The fact that I'm going to treat her how she deserves
if she lets me. If she stays loyal to me ill take care of everything she'll 
ever need. 

Me: I respect that. 

Jay: Me too lol. Tell me this, why do females get so jealous? 
Are yall threatened by other women, especially women on facebook 
and twitter?

Me: Jealously is a natural emotion everyone feels at some point. 
lol My politically correct answer. But no I don't think its about feeling
threatened. As far as twitter and facebook, my boyfriend shows me off 
on both of those sites all the time. 
If you follow him on twitter then you know about me. But there are girls who 
still will flirt with your nigga on there. And thats where it becomes disrespectful. 
Like if it was a regular conversation I wouldn't give a rats ass.
But when they flirt knowing damn well he has a girlfriend it pisses me off. 
Like it could be all jokes to her but if i become uncomfortable 
with it then its a problem.

Jay: So I mean In those situations what do you expect your boyfriend to do about
a bitch that's coming at him.

Me: Honestly. If shes irrelevant, like most of those bitches are, then stop
talking to her. Then we'll never have that problem again. If its a friend
then you need to sit her down let her know "look you making my girl 
uncomfortable, just chill". I don't think that's too much to ask.

Jay: That's not too much to ask. But would you do the same for him?

Me: Definitely. I really care about my boyfriends feelings more then some
random nigga on twitter that I don't go home to, you feel me. And I think thats
where the double standard comes in. 

Jay: Well I do see a double standard in relationships. Actually recently me
and my gf got in a argument over some twitter shit.   

Me: lol what happened?

Jay: Basically a friend of mine had a tweet about how she likes how boyshorts
make her butt look. And I subtweeted her something like "Yeah me too"
And my girl peeped it, investigating and shit and got real mad about it. And
to me I couldn't believe we was really arguing over some little twitter shit. Like
I didn't go and fuck the girl so why was it that serious. 

Me: But you know you were wrong right?

Jay: I mean she was right like it was uncalled for. And it didn't do nothing
but sice the other girl. And hurt my girl feelings, and I wasn't even tryna do 
all that. 

Me: EXACTLY Like people only say "Its just twitter" when they fuck up. 
By saying that to that girl, you done brought a guard up in your girls head.
Like you just took a shot at the wall of trust she built for you. Yeah yall
not married but your serious and that shit was so unnecessary.  

Jay: Yeah man, I felt bad. But that's what I'm saying about the double standard
thing. Cuz If she subtweeted a nigga about his dick, it would be a problem.
When I'm on twitter I don't flex cuz I'd be pissed if I hurt my girl enough 
with lil irrelevant shit on there that it broke us up. Cuz what I got is way more
important then that twitter and facebook shit real live. 

Me: YES!!!!!!! Say it again Jay!

Jay: Real live lls 

Me: So you think social networks can ruin relationships?

Jay: Nah. I think a lack of mutual respect will ruin a relationship.
Like people take that shit so serious. Get on there and say anything, getting 
caught up in the moment. Then later and look at it and be like damn that did
sound bad I hope my girl don't trip. Niggas like that lack mutual respect for
their girl. I never have to speak to her about her twitter conduct so why the 
fuck would I go on there and bam out. Nah, I love the fact that she not no 
twitter joint and i don't have never have to worry about that. Ima give her that
same respect back. 

Me: That's how it really should be. People act like they cant have fun if
they not flirting lol. But recently I adapted this no expectations thing 
for my relationship. 

Jay: So you just let him do whatever he wants is what you saying lol?

Me: Sorta. Cuz first off I have a good dude who I loooove.
But for a while I had been trying to protect myself from getting hurt
by always letting it be known when I had a problem with something or
when something was bothering me. And it got to the point where I guess
I was starting to nag and that's a no no. So as a woman I had to respect 
the fact that he'll do what he wants, but if he hurts or disrespects me, im gone.
Just like that. Kinda the same attitude men have. "I love you but if you fuck this
up, that's on you"

Jay: You shoulda been had that attitude yung

Me: I know right. That's a big part of trust. I fully trust him with my heart 
and I know I have no worries. I just needed that reality check for myself.


Me: Good talk! 

Jay: Yup.   


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One In A Million..

His Love is..

KAYLA!!! Why be in a relationship? Why settle down? 
You could be single and have your fun. Whats so special
about him? How do you know its [love] is real? You not really 
in love!!!


I am a person who is a strong believer in the existence of love.
I believe in soul mates. I believe in a person hand picked
and crafted to have what you need and vice versa by God.
I believe that truly loving someone is possible. I've experienced
love so how could I not believe in it. My mommy supplied me 
with so much love it would be selfish of me to say love isn't real.
Plus the fact that my love for my nephews is the same as my moms 
for me. Loving someone is real.

My relationship is sacred to me. I wondered when we were just getting
started, if I'd really fall in love with him..or just the thought of him.
I questioned if I would really start to love him or if i'd fall in love 
with the idea of him loving me. I questioned that because when
my mommy passed away I subconsciously clung on to men to fill
the emotional void that I was lacking. I just wanted to be loved. 
But it because evident soooooo quickly that my love for him was
as genuine as possible.

My sexy face, I had this conversation with God last year after getting
cheated on by my ex. I asked God to make the next person I get
in a the one. Having guys in and out of my life isn't
for me. So I decided not to look, let God bring him to me. And he did.
My baby isn't perfect. But I wouldn't want him to be. I make
to many mistakes to have a perfect boyfriend. BUT he is perfect 
for me. When I met him, instantly i was drawn to him. He had
sadness in his eyes, it looked like a pain behind his cute little 
smile. Maybe with all the fucked up shit I've gone through it's
become easy to spot a hurt soul. But this pain in him attracted me.
That may sound weird but it did. He had this hurt that I guess only
I could see, but a vivid ass personality that you would never guess
is going through it. And that was cool to me. Yeah he got shit
going on but he'd never let you know it, he continued to keep up
his spirit despite the shit going on. LOL that was just what I thought
about him and I didn't even really know him. So I became infatuated 
with him. I still am. Once we got serious I found so many awesome
layers to his personality. He's such a sweetheart and he has a big ass
heart, that gets overshadowed by the walls he has to build to 
protect himself from the fuckery. 
We've been together some time now. Something like 8 months and 
were still growing, still learning each other. Still making mistakes.
I can't possibly deny or doubt my love for him because I am remind
 everyday. The traits alone..his kindness,patience, honesty,selflessness,
humour, intelligence, well rounded down to earth personality.
This man is providing for his family, supplying me with love, stays
a good friend and goes to work and teaches little crumb snatchers
all day because that's his passion. Lawwwwwwd I lucked up! He's
so open minded. And he could have been a totally different way. 
His culture could have made him a completely different person. But 
he's so open minded. He honestly does look for the best in everyone. 
I'm thankful for every virtue of his personality. God has blessed
me buy putting him in my life. I sometimes take him for granted..
i gotta stop. Cuz he loves me sooo much..and I'm not easy to love. 
I got a lot of shit to work on. But he takes on the task eagerly. He
finds beauty in my flaws and helps me work through my insecurities.
My love for him can be dangerous. Sometimes it overwhelms me,
and my jealously overcomes. But he never even gives me a reason
to worry. For me as a female to know with all my heart that my 
boyfriend loves me, and to be able to trust him indefinitely, I have
been highly favored by God.

  I didn't check for mistakes =(