Thursday, December 16, 2010


I Got a Story to Tell

Recently I had a talk with some 10th grade boys. 
Curious to see their outlooks and views on SEX. 
Purely for constructional purposes. Actually I wanted
to learn about the type of young ladies their dealing with. 
It just seems to me that each generation of females
ages 14-16 get worse and worse with promiscuity. Which
to me translates into a generation of more and more low
self respecting women. I don't fuck with that. To me
that's extremely sad. There is no secret to where this
started. Up until what maybe after reconstruction did 
women start to realize or rather start to make actions 
into being more then just a mans trophy. So why do 
females still find themselves in this trap. In my 
opinion 80% of promiscuous teenage girls are 
that way because a lack of self respect. That lack of
self respect stems from their unconsciousness of effects
that their promiscuity could have on them emotionally,
physically or both. Or from low self esteem. Insecurity. 
Not knowing their worth. Either way it's a disappointing 
reality that most people shake their heads at instead of
being concerned. But the nonchalant reactions people have 
in some cases are justified because at the adolescent age
education is annoying. You try to tell a little girl that she 
needs to stop being a hoe and have more self respect..(in more
or less words) and of course she will automatically become 
defensive. She's human. So how do we approach this 
situation? Do we approach it at all? I for one find it a 
problem. To me the only way to even began to fix it is 
to try to prevent our future females from becoming this

Now back to my talk with the 10th grade boys. Out of the 5 of
the 15 year old boys only 2 were virgins. I asked the other 3
were they in love when their first times. And each answered 
no. So then I asked why didn't they love the girl they were 
loosing their virginity's to. The summarized  answer and conversation
with the 5 boys was basically, they wanted sex, they had an attractive
girl ready and willing and "since im not gay i didn't pass that up".
It's crazy girls now a days are trying to be grown up and have 
these one night stands at like 16 years old! And then they wonder
why they get a bad name, get called a hoe. One of the boys told me 
a story about his latest sexual adventure. He met the girl at school
they texted off and on for about maybe 2 weeks. He liked her and 
she liked him. He told her he wanted to meet her after school 
and they could chill. So they met up when school ended. Got a 
friend to drive them to a empty house. They kissed all that and 
then had sex. After that they both left and went home. And speak
rarely off and on now. This story is sooo common in highschool.
Just a meet up and fuck situation. Girls just dropping their panties
for the boy who talks a little bit of nothing in their ear. And after
that go on with their day. Pretending they only wanted the sex
just because that's all he wanted. Con-seal their feeling until 
they go away and the POOF just like that you have a new
number on your body count. I personally take my body count
at 18 SUPER serious. So I don't understand why at 16 they don't.
When I lost my virginity I was as young as these boys. 
I didn't know the guy I thought loved
me would drop my ass. We were together 6 months before we had
sex. I didn't even want to do it when I did but I didn't want him to get 
mad. But after him it took a total of 11 months
to experience sex again. I was trying to keep my coochie on a lock
after that. But I just have a hard time understanding the logic
of these girls. No. I understand it, but I don't understand why 
it has to get worse instead of better. Please educate your daughters,
sisters,cousins whoever. My child will NOT be a hoe. I refuse.