Sunday, February 6, 2011

Its unattractive for girl to smoke

"I don't like girls that Smoke"
Its a problem for a lot of guys to accept that the girl they are 
interested in smokes. Most guys will tell you "I won't judge you
but I dont like that you do it".  Other guys don't mind if its 
not cigarettes. But why? Whats the big deal? 
If your an adult who chooses to smoke then I personally 
don't see the problem but I'm definitely bias lol 
I feel like people who have never smoked are the people who 
judge it the most and have the biggest and harshest opinions 
about it. Which makes since because thats how society is. 
Personally I think everyone should smoke tree. Its positive effects
actually out way the bad. Any doctor can give you a list of
diseases and symptoms that it cures we all know this. The only
thing is the actual smoke entering your lungs. Thats probably
the biggest reason you don't wanna smoke everyday. Plus the 
fact that it can make you lay if you allow it to. But other then 
that what makes it so unattractive?  Im curious. You have no 
problem with the girl who drinks but you don't want the girl 
that smokes? So illogical. Drinking is ten times more unhealthy.
As a matter of fact their are no positive effects of drinking. 
I just think guys who have such a problem are wasting time. 
Your dream girl is out there and you could be passing her up because 
she likes to relieve herself. Shit life is tough, you probably could
use a smoke too *shrugs* I say all the time. People only dislike it 
because it's illegal. Yet alcohol isn't. You can walk to any corner 
get a drink and have your mind impaired for hours. 
But your more alert when your high. Again people only think
smoking is wrong because it's illegal and its only illegal here because 
Goverment can't tax it. 

SN: I hope they don't start trying to raid my shit now that I've spoiled 
their secret lol