Saturday, February 19, 2011

When Your Mad

Anger is one of your biggest enemies when
your in a relationship. For some reason Anger
an emotion has the power to make you forget 
how much you care for someone. It can overpower
you. Too much anger and you'll get a reaction outta
anybody. But the question is "Is is fair".  
In my opinion nothing should make me mad enough 
for me to start forgetting whats important. I don't
say things out of anger because even when I'm
mad im consciously aware that what I say in that 
moment isnt going to be taken lightly just because 
I'm in a bad mood. I don't find it okay to take your 
anger out on others no matter what. Unless I directly
did something to you I don't see why you would treat
me bad or shut me out because your angry at someone 
else. That shouldn't be an option. If anything you should
take it as a opportunity to be around someone who will
better your mood. Or at least put thing back into perspective.
I'm not a big fan of Anger. Dealing with your emotions alone
is understandable but when you have to shut the ones you
love out because of it i think its unfair.