Sunday, August 28, 2011

What you know, what you dont want to know, what you think you know...

Relationships almost always get complicated at some point. 
One of the hardest things to acquire and keep is the communication and trust. After talking to several other women I've found comfort in knowing im not the only woman who thinks about things when it comes to men, a certain way. Women tend to think in the same kind of way. Its just there views that vary. Now heres the annoying part. 
Men are just sloppy. The are careless most of the time weather theyre cheating or not. Meaning they do a lot of dumb shit and leave it out in the open. Whether its leaving there phone out and unattended, leaving there email or messages on display accidentally, sending you the wrong message or anything along those lines. Its happens lol. Once thats happened you do one of two things. Either continue looking and possible face disapointment or let trust and optimism overrule and look away.
It is not in human nature to look away especially if there is no risk of getting caught. Does that make it right? Not at all. But in that moment all humans go for there instincts. To make matters worse women have this strong thing called intuition thats attatched to our conscious. it makes it almost impossible not to look when you have the facts in your face. Everything up to this point has been fueled by trust and what your told. To know for sure brings comfort. Still isnt justified its just why it happens. Now after that situation you either found some shit you didnt want to see or found nothing at all. Heres where the dilema comes to play, if you actually found something you cant confront him. Not right away at least. Now you have to be incognito unless you want him to know your looking in his shit. This part has no advice or tip. 
Its kinda a consequence that you have to take with a grain of salt and asess according to your situation. The whole reason for looking is because there was something you felt you didn't know but you wanted to. After you see you find out if you wanted to see it or not. Which is why snooping never helps but sneaking around doesn't either.